What does great photography actually mean?

Malasia Johnson
3 min readJan 19, 2021
Perfume Bottle Silhouette Campaign | All photos taken by Malasia J

Since spending more time at home, I have dedicated a lot of time to scanning work of other photographers (probably more than I should have). It’s interesting to see the different photographers today dominating the industry all with their own shooting styles.

But even more than this, it has led me to ask myself, “What exactly makes a great photograph?” Is it the ability to take a photo and get thousands of likes before the day is over? Is it a photograph that encompasses all of the correct technical elements like light, composition, exposure, etc.? Does it depend on the subject matter or who’s viewing the photograph at the time?

Creativity vs Technicalities

It’s interesting because I’ve come across beautifully crafted photographs that were underexposed — essentially challenging what it means for a photo to be technically correct. I’ve also come across photographs that had all the right elements to achieve the perfect photo that barely received any attention from the outside world.

A successful photograph depends on the intent of the photographer…

This occurs quite often in one way or another, which has led me to believe that great photography is not so much about how technically correct it is or whether the photo can go viral.



Malasia Johnson

Hi, My name is Malasia Johnson, and I am a Commercial and Advertising photographer currently based in Chicago. I started medium to share my work and words.